Thursday, March 29, 2012

NVC Letter

When I got back home after a morning errand I found my NVC Letter in my inbox! What I was told would take 2-3 weeks only took 3 business days. The difference in timing is that I requested the letter be sent by email. Had we selected the postal service, that would have added processing and mailing time. Thankful for technology!

But technology also bites me in the big ol' behind today too. Our home study expired in November. All states are different, but NE will require an update before we go to China. Unfortunately, we cannot complete the update without an in-person meeting with our social worker. No phone calls, no Skype calls, no faxes or documents back and forth. It must be face to face. I'm beyond ticked off. This means I'll have to get back to NE for a 30 minute meeting. Ridiculous!!!

A friend is offering us frequent flyer miles to get me home but there will still be the added cost of the update. Please pray God provides all that we need. I trust Him to do exactly that. If any of my NE friends wouldn't mind picking me up at OMA and driving me home, I'd appreciate it. I don't suppose anyone has a spare vehicle I could borrow for less than 48 hours? I'll let you know when I plan to be home but it will probably be around mid/end-April.