Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No News, Just Pictures

I have no updates other than we're just waiting on the results of our latest child abuse clearances and CA fingerprints.  Once all those are in, our social worker will send her home study addendum and everything along to our agency to hopefully get the ball rolling again with USCIS.  Until then, we wait.

While we wait, I scanned in our referral pictures.  Remember, these were originally embedded in our referral documents, printed and then scanned, so they lack clarity.  But these were the first pictures I saw of our daughter.

And lastly, here is the original close-up of her right hand so you can see how it started (but then stopped) developing.

I may have found a photo of her on another website of an organization that serves her orphanage in China. I've emailed them for confirmation that it is indeed her.  If it is, I'll certainly copy and paste and post that photo here later.

Next update when we get some more news.  Until then, prayers please for all these clearances from NE and CA to arrive this week!

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