Monday, May 17, 2010

What on Earth?

Two weeks ago we received an email from our case worker at our agency. The email stated our agency’s concern over the Nepal adoption program. It stated the agency’s strong urging for us to drop out of Nepal – or so we thought. One email was enough. I sent out an immediate message to all my close friends and family asking for their prayers as we were faced with the decision to stick with Nepal or choose another country. 24 hours later, a second email restating the same information arrived, this one a lot stronger. We felt we had our answer. Leave the Nepal program.

I asked our case worker what we needed to do to update the home study. Back in February when other countries were pulling out of Nepal and we feared the US would be next, we approached our agency with similar questions in regard to China Special Needs. This time, however, brought us a response we did not expect.

The email we received this time was from our agency director, not our case worker. The email stated that their staff, is in no way urging their clients to drop out of Nepal. What????? I have 2 email stating the exact opposite. It left me hurt and confused, angry and ready to make a phone call. Conveniently, the director was out of the office on Friday and I could only leave a message. So, we waited all weekend.

Jay spoke with our agency director in person the following week and she confirmed that we misinterpreted their email. We found this really rather confusing because both Jay and I read the 2 email independently of each other – Jay at his office and I at home. Yes, the DOS is issuing strong warnings against adopting from Nepal, but our agency, among others, have high hopes for Nepal and truly believe our Nepali children will come home.

But get this... While waiting to speak with our director (it took days to get in touch with her) we filled out a Match Form for China. This form listed numerous special needs that we’d be willing to accept if we switched to the China program. I read up on a few medical needs that I hadn’t heard of and started checking things off the list. Jay faxed it to our agency. Our director commented on the phone (when we finally spoke person to person) that they had NEVER seen a family open to such a wide variety of needs. Huh? I guess they passed our Match Form around the office for the entire staff to see. I spend a lot of time on Rainbow Kids reading profiles of children with special medical needs looking for families. I believe this is where God is leading us -- in Nepal or China. A lot of the medical needs are correctable (and we’re open to some that are not correctable too)!!!

So, after seeing our Match Form, our agency REALLY wants us to move into their China program. They even put together a list of adoption fees for China vs. Nepal and China would be quite a bit cheaper, even if we started over from scratch. Wow. The money makes me think. Really think!!! To boot, they said we’d be matched with a little girl in China very quickly! Okay...

All things considered, we will send our dossier to Nepal and press on towards our daughter. We’re just too involved already. And our friends are continuing with their Nepal adoption and we daydream together about play dates with our Nepali daughters. And with E being 3 now, yet still very clingy to me, we feel like giving him more time as "the baby of the family" will only benefit him. But what a roller coaster ride! I’m pretty much toast at this point.

Here's where we are now. We should be within days of receiving word of our adoption loan and within a few weeks of hearing if we qualified for the second grant we applied for (first one was denied). Our dossier cannot be sent without the next round of funds. So, please pray for God to provide the funds we need to continue. We’re looking for $5000 specifically in the next 2 weeks. I am leaving it all in God's hands and trust He will provide for every dollar.

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