Thursday, January 7, 2010

Movement -- Finally!

This has been a crazy week for us! A week full of prayer, investigating, research and finally decisions! Allow me to share the biggest news first.

I received a phone call today from our local friends also adopting a daughter from Nepal. After months of being closed down due to corruption, the news in Nepal is finally stating that all governmental officials are in place and they will be processing adoptions once again. In fact, they state that their goal is to have all 2009 dossiers fulfilled within the next 2 months! They will focus on issuing travel dates for those with referrals first, but will also be matching children to families and issuing new referrals for those 2009 files. So, 2009 families, hold onto your hats! There is much rejoicing as this directly affects our friends! Praise God!

The Nepali government recognizes the number of orphans that need assistance! They have no intention of shutting down and will push hard to solve the problem.

For us, we are still waiting for the last form for our dossier. I hope that it is on it's way this week or next.

This is the crystal clear answer to prayer we have been looking for these last few days. Only a handful of you knew, but we had been investigating leaving the Nepal program and pursuing the adoption of a waiting child in South Korea. She is an absolute dream and as hard as it is to know she is not for our family, it is an honor to know that our family is to be on our knees in prayer for her. Thank you to those of you who have been assisting us with medical information and praying right along with us. This is the answer we have been praying for. That is crystal clear to me! Please keep "Miss Precious," as we've been calling her, in your prayers for her forever family. She's darling and she stole my heart!

Next update when our dossier is complete. Please join us in prayer for the remaining fundraising needed for our Completion of Documents Fee on the ticker above. God can do abundantly more than we are asking of Him and I leave it completely in His strong, capable hands! We hope we can fundraise this final amount and then take out a home equity loan for the foreign country fee ($7000) that will be due when our paperwork is shipped to Nepal.

Our God is so faithful and I am so thankful for the answers we have been given this week!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! My name is Heather Robinson, and my husband, Andrew, and I are adopting a baby from Nepal. The information you've written above is the same information we received from our agency, and have heard from other PAP's and their agencies too. Nice to hear the consistent message across the agencies. Our dossier was registered in Nepal on 12/15/09, and we are on the 2009 list. Blessings to you as we wait for our children! If you'd like to follow our blog, it is:
