Thursday, September 19, 2019

So Long, Juneau, my Juneau

I've had 5 American Eskimos in my life.  I know the breed as well as any breeder and better than many veterinarians.  There is no cuter puppy on the planet than an American Eskimo.  They top among the smartest breeds.  My pack over the years included: Nikon, the family dog of my youth.  Then my first Eskie of my own, Kodi that I got in Blaine, MN when I was in college.  Jay and I later rescued crazed Cozmo when we were engaged to be married.  Then came the brothers from the same litter, Juneau and Kenai when my boys were babies.

Yesterday I held my last Eskimo, my Juneau, in my arms as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. 

He had a few chronic issues from bad teeth, to chronic ear infections, and lots of lumps and bumps and fatty tumors in his old age.  And he started refusing to go to the bathroom outside in the dog run.  When he gave me "the look" on Tuesday night, I knew it was time.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2019, around 4:00pm on my side deck overlooking our pond, Juneau crossed into the light over the Rainbow Bridge.

O, Juneau!  My, Juneau!  I loved you so!  You were a GREAT dog!  Go for a run now with your brother Kenai and your cousins Nikon, Kodi and Cozmo.  I hope it's snowing in Heaven, because you love nothing more than a fresh dumping of powder and cold winter temps.  And when its my turn to enter Heaven, I hope you are waiting for me at the door.  Goodbye, my boy.

I 'wuvs' ya, Juneau!