Sunday, May 24, 2015

The House with the Green Door

We have found a beautiful home in Minneapolis and our offer has been accepted!  The inspection has happened, the appraisal has been ordered.  We will close on June 22.  That's just less than 1 month away!

In the meantime, we are packing and cleaning and purging and anxiously awaiting the movers arriving on June 15 to pack and then load the next day.

Jay will head up to Minneapolis ahead of us.  He'll office with another financial advisor while his new office is being built somewhere close to the Maple Grove/Osseo area.  He'll take our puppy (the best traveler) and our pop-up camper.

The kids and I will leave San Antonio on June 18 (when the buyers here close on the TX house) and make the drive in 3 legs.

Leg 1:  San Antonio to Dallas
Leg 2:  Dallas to Kansas City
Leg 3:  Kansas City to Minneapolis

The house is wonderful!  It felt right from the minute we stepped out onto the curb.  The inside certainly didn't boast of any major upgrades.  It's plain and simple.  It does have hardwood floors and some new carpet on the stairs and hallway and living rooms.  But bedroom carpets need to be replaced, a lot of linoleum needs to be ripped up and replaced with tile.  It could use fun countertops  and a fun backsplash to make a statement.   We'll finish the basement in stages with a bedroom, full bathroom, mini kitchen and living area.  We'd love to make the back deck into a 3-season porch and someday we think a hot tub underneath that deck would be amazing!  None of these things need to happen right away.  It is very clean and move-in ready.  We'll paint all the bedrooms though.  That does need to be done.  And we'll need a dog run or a small fenced area behind our garage because we don't want to fence in this pretty property!

We are so very excited!

We'd appreciate prayers for safe travel for all, save packing, loading and moving, smooth closings both here and there, well-behaved kids, phenomenal office transition for Jay, great future neighbors in Minnesota, lots of fun with the family and friends we will have in close proximity, and most of all, God's blessings on our new life in Minnesota.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Another Year Complete

Today was our last day of school!

Super E finished 2nd grade.  He is still a whiz at math and aced every weekly test.  OK, 1 week he missed 2 problems but that's only because the questions were trying to trick him and throw him off.  He learned that lesson quickly!  We loved Saxon Math and I'm thankful to my local friend Michele for letting me try her textbook this year.  Super E still loves science and loved learning about different types of machines from combine harvesters, to fighter planes to submarines.  His reading has greatly improved.  It is still not his strongest subject, but the progress he has made makes me so proud of him!  He actually read his children's Bible cover to cover, all by himself with very little help from me, all in 1 semester instead of taking the year to complete.  Spelling is probably his worst subject but I account that to his struggles with reading in these early years.  We just have a few math lessons left and continuing work with flashcards over the summer to make those math facts stick.  But we always do math and reading through the summer regardless.  A big shout out to my friend Amy in Nebraska for lending us her used curriculum again!  I'll get it back to you ASAP.  Can I be bold and ask to borrow 3rd grade next year?  And maybe kindergarten for Quiet Tiger?  Maybe?

Super C finished our favorite year yet.  This particular grade tends to be the favorite among Sonlight Curriculum families.  We learned all about Asian countries, African countries and Oceania.  I'm astonished at how much of the Bible that we have read together.  Check out the list of books he read this year:

1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 John
2 John
3 John


We have read some great fiction and non-fiction.  If you need some summer reading suggestions for your junior higher, please ask!  Most are Newbury Award Winners.  He started the year in Math doing Teaching Textbooks 7 and has more lessons in Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra to tackle this summer.  Before we move, he should be nearly done with Pre-Algebra.  Math is his forte and he finishes 2 years worth of math in 1 year.  Science has been awesome this year teaching a lot about the human body, food and nutrition and one of our favorites: The History of Medicine.  Fascinating book!  Alas, I had the awkward task of teaching my pre-teen boy sex education, but I'd rather have him learn it at home than from anyone else.  He's young and still blushes at the subject.  Sweet and innocent still.  We had high hopes for writing this year with Super C's writing blog.  That never happened.  I need to find a writing curriculum that we love.  We'll try something different next year.  Unfortunately, we had a bit of conflict with Super C this year.  I learned that he had been skipping some reading assignments and lying about them.  He did this once in public school and he obviously didn't learn his lesson.  Many weeks were spent catching up, making up the reading he lied about.  This summer we will listen to The Hobbit on CD from the library, following along in his school book.  I've never read it, so I really want to do that together when we can really enjoy it and summertime is the best time to relax with a good book.  Hopefully Super C has learned his lesson about lying about his schoolwork!

I'm planning to test Super C this year, but probably not until we have moved and settled into our new home.  I have never done so before and it is not a state requirement where we live, but I think it's a good idea just for my own piece of mind.  Believe me, I know my kids are learning and I know our curriculum is one of the very best out there.  I know what college professors say about Sonlight kids and that's my driving force behind using it year after year despite the expense.  Nonetheless, testing will be in Super C's near future.

As for Quiet Tiger, ugh, I struggle so.  We pulled her out of public pre-school after only 1 month.  Sending a formerly institutionalized child back to an institution proved to be a terrible idea.  Terrible!  We didn't do any homeschool pre-school curriculum at all.  Nothing.  Zilch.  She wasn't ready.  Yet I simply cannot imagine homeschooling this child!  She's smart but her attention span (or lack thereof) and extreme need for control would drive me crazy as a teacher.  I'm praying about her upcoming kindergarten year and the decision we have to make regarding her education.

Congratulations to my boys on another great year!  Here's to an enjoyable, fun, adventurous summer, a much needed break from the daily grind of homeschool.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Homeward Bound

The winds of change have been blowing around here a long, long, long time, and we've kept a big secret from you.  In fact, only 3 friends knew and even my mom just learned of this news only last night.  Please know that we had to keep this very secret for professional reasons!

We are moving back to the Midwest!

My dear husband knows I'm just not a good Texan and he knows that while God placed us here for a reason, one day his wife would like to be home in the good ol' Midwest.  Between the extreme summer heat that melts all of us (especially our 8 year old), the extreme allergies that pain all of us so, my horrific reaction to fire ants, the rattlesnake that killed our dog, Texas just isn't a good fit.  Add to that our rising property taxes (you'd be appalled at what we are paying) and our lousy HOA increasing rules and doubling their fees for basically no amenities and we just need to get out of this neighborhood.

I always felt kind of forced here in Texas.  After all, when the church in California let Jay go, Texas was our only option since my mother-in-law had the condo here big enough for our family where we could set up shop and hunt for work.  We didn't have any other place to go.  It was Texas or nothing.  It was a good place for a while, a season.  And now the season is over.

Edward Jones blows me away with their understanding of family values.  Jay's Regional Director here in Texas has agreed that family comes first and is fully supportive of our decision and reasoning.  Jay has been offered an office with Edward Jones up in the Minneapolis area.  Talk about going home!  That's where I was born.  This Minnesotan is happily going home, don't 'cha know!

As joyous as this sounds, this wasn't an easy decision, friends!  We honestly, truly agonized over this for months!  It really came down to these 3 points.  Three points.  That's it.

1.  This move brings us closer to some of our very best friends who are our biggest support crew.   One of my very dearest, closest and best-est friend who was a friend in Lincoln is up in The Cities.  My best friend from college is out towards the St. Cloud area.  One of my sorority sisters is up there and she is also an adoptive mama.  And one of my very close friends from high school is up in the Minneapolis area with her husband and crew of boys - instant friends for my kids.  Many of my college friends whom I'd love to reconnect with are also up there.  Jay also has numerous friends in the area.  His Godparents are there as are all of their kids who are our age and their kids who are my kids' ages.  More instant friends for our kids.  Our awesome friend Jake who lived with us in Lincoln and worked for Jay at the church is back home in Minnesota.  He and his family are great friends to Jay and all of us!

2.  It also brings us closer to family.  With aging parents who won't be around forever, we were just so far away from them in Texas and dropping everything to go be with them when they are in need would just be very difficult and expensive.  Jay's dad and brother, my mom & stepdad, my dad & his wife are all in Chicago.  That's only a 6 hour drive away from Minneapolis.  Jay's mom spends half of her year in Hayward, Wisconsin on a lake where we tube and waterski and swim.  That will be only 3 hours away.  Moving to Minnesota means keeping that property in the Collins family far into the future for our kids to enjoy.  My brother is just down the street from my closest friend in a Minneapolis suburb too and I'm thinking he will love going to Hayward with us, given the chance!  I have aunts, uncles and cousins all over Minnesota too.

3.  My biggest concern about life in Texas was if anything happened to me or to Jay, we don't have family here to come to our rescue.  We'd have to depend on friends for help.  I know my friends here would help, but it's still a stressful situation to be all alone in a time of great need.  Besides, San Antonio is a military town.  My kids have already lost good friends due to a move, and more friends are moving this year to their next military assignment, making our support system much, much smaller and ever changing.  It's a fact of life in a military town.  In Minnesota, we'll have a much bigger support system for those times when we'll need it.  And if life has taught us anything, it's that trouble will come our way and we'll need a little help from our family and friends every now and then.

I'll surely miss the mild winters here in San Antonio.  Yes, I'll groan at having to clear snow and ice (Jay is still on doctors orders for no shoveling thanks to his back history and surgery).  Believe me, the first thing we buy will be a snowblower and enough shovels for my children to share the task!  I'll miss the low cost of living, the zero state taxes and the conservatism and politics of Texas.   We'll all miss our pool and that will be one of the first things we'll look for in Minnesota too - even if it's just a cheap pop-up above-ground pool from Costco or Sam's Club.  I'll miss the friends we've made here, particularly Jay's assistant and her family who have served us in countless ways.  Saying goodbye to them will bring tears.

At this point, the move is merely a lateral move for Jay.  He won't be taking over an office bigger than the one he has now.  It is still a good move for us though.  Waiting any longer to make this move would be a bad decision for the career.  It would likely be a big, giant step backwards if we waited any longer.  It is really a "now or never" kind of thing.

There's so much more to the story, but I'll stop now.

Jay's replacement is officially, slowly taking over things in the current office today and our house went on the market yesterday.  We'd appreciate prayers for an astonishingly quick sale of the house and all the details that need to happen in the in-between.  We'll update when news warrants.

Lastly, to keep apprised of updates, my family blog address will be changing in the future!  It won't change until we move, but just wanted to let you know to keep an eye out.

Soon we'll be of to....