Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15

Happy tax day. [Insert groans here.] But it was also supposed to be “dossier day” for us – the day our dossier is welcomed in Nepal.

Alas, the latest updates from our agency say that they are not done processing the 2009 families yet. Not a huge surprise at all, honestly. We also learned that the person in charge of the Matching Committee in Kathmandu is no longer in that position, so they are looking to rehire. The new estimated date of completion for the 2009 families is end-May. Then we should be ready to roll.

For one more month, our dossier will remain at our agency. As much as I wish this doesn’t affect so many families and countless orphans in Nepal, this time will be useful to us as we await news of our adoption loan. We applied for 1 loan earlier this month and should hear in May whether we are approved or not. Prayers would be appreciated for the approval of this loan.

God is in the details.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Sensitive Prayer Request!

We are closing the gap on the magic date of April 15th – the date our paperwork will [hopefully] be sent to Kathmandu, Nepal!

Friends, we need your prayer for our adoption finances. We have used our own savings account, we have fundraised, we have applied for grants (and have been denied 1 of them), we have used our ’09 tax return (to complete the fundraising ticker above). We now find ourselves needing $7000 before our dossier can be sent overseas. This is part of our first "Foreign Country Fee."

We have applied for an interest-free adoption loan. However the timing of this loan from application to approval is 6-8 weeks. Please pray that our request would be granted sooner than that! If necessary, we will go to the bank for a home equity loan, but we’ve been told that the adoption loan is the first way to go. We are also considering sending out another fundraising letter to local businesses for their support.

Please pray that we can raise the $7000 we need just in time for our paperwork to go overseas and we aren’t delayed any further!