Sunday, August 23, 2009

Where Have We Been?

Summer fun has passed and school began this past week. But let's back up. I know it's been a couple weeks since I've posted any adoption updates.

Four weeks ago we had an added member to the family. I babysat a 4 week old baby boy for 8 days and 8 nights. It's a long story that perhaps I will write about later. It was different having a bassinette set up in the master bedroom, getting up for 3:30 a.m. feedings and hearing the cry of a newborn again. But what a sweet little boy! Our boys adored him and were on their best behavior with mommy having her hands quite full! Without divulging any details, please be in prayer over this sweet little "Baby V," as we call him. His future with his mother is uncertain. Pray that God provides for him and that his mother would make a decision that is in his best interest, not hers

August brought our annual trip home to Illinois where we stayed with my mom in Barrington, as always. Jay attended The Leadership Summit at Willow Creek and I enjoyed quality time with my mom. Jay spent the first week with us, then returned to Lincoln, leaving me and the boys an extra week for fun and relaxation. Quality time with my mom is a gift I can never thank Jay enough for! The boys and I cherish it and I know my mom does too!

School started for C this past week. First grade! He loves it and comes home each day saying how great it is. I couldn't be more proud.

So, now that we're back on track and settling into our schedule again, we can turn our focus back on our adoption. Where are things? Well, we are still working on our home study with our NE social worker. We are finished with our meetings with her, but she is still waiting for background checks in each state we have lived in since turing 18. The state of Minnesota is proving to be a difficult one to process, but we hope to have that issue resolved this week. We also had our physicals with our doctors this past week to be sure we are "healthy enough" to be parents. Just a few more documents here and there and we should be done with the home study within a few weeks.

Following that, we will shift to completing our dossier, or country application, for Nepal. Some of the documents for the home study are also needed for the dossier, so we've started checking things off the list already. I'm in no huge rush to get it done as it won't be due to our agency in PA until November, with hopes of being sent to Nepal in December or January.

We owe a HUGE thank you to the friends and family who are praying for us along this journey. And we are also indebted to those of you who have assisted us with your financial gifts. God is providing ways for us to handle the expenses thus far through your donations! If you haven't been able to give but would still like to help, there will be many more adoption fees due to our agency, the government and Nepal up through the time we bring our daughter home!

More updates coming soon. Thanks for checking in on us!